Remote wipe your device and data

Protect your files, no matter what

Lost or stolen device? Keep your data safe.

Whether you've left your phone, laptop, or tablet behind on the subway, or your device has fallen into the wrong hands, don't worry—you have data protection with Dropbox. Clear the data on your phone or remote wipe your device so your files remain secure. If you choose, you can sync your files from with a new device.

A user remote wiping files from multiple devices

Get extra reassurance

Once you remote wipe a device, sign in to your Dropbox to double-check your status and make sure that your data is completely erased from the device.

Checking the status of a device which has been remotely wiped

Wipe any device

You can use remote wipe to securely remove Dropbox data from all your personal devices:

  • Remote wipe laptop and desktop computers
  • Remove Dropbox data from iPhones and iPad
  • Clear your Dropbox files from Android phones and Android tablets
Files remotely wiped from mobile device

Frequently asked questions

Remote wipe is a security feature for mobile device management that allows you to remotely clear data from a lost or stolen mobile device. Dropbox Plus, Professional, and Business users can delete any data on their device or hard drive’s Dropbox folder, ensuring sensitive files remain in their control.

To remotely wipe your Dropbox data, simply sign in to your account and select the device you'd like to wipe clean of your Dropbox data. If you're a Dropbox Plus, Professional, or Business user, you can delete the Dropbox folder from any linked device the next time your account is online.

Removing files with remote wipe will not delete them from your Dropbox account—the files will only be cleared from your lost or stolen device or hard drive. Since your files are safely stored in, you can then sync your files to your new device or hard drive whenever you like.

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Online cloud storage

Cloud storage

Keep all your files safe with powerful online cloud storage

Recover lost files

File recovery

Recover or restore lost files, accidental edits, or deleted work

Store documents on the cloud

Online document storage

Manage documents online with simple and secure cloud storage

Work remotely offline

Remote work

Access your work offline, anywhere, anytime